Create a Tranquil Green Space in Your South Devon Holiday Cottage

Image Source: Pexels

Guest Blog Post* - Jessica Perkins

Without any doubt, one of the most thrilling destinations in southwest England is Devon. Its appeal can be seen in a tapestry of craggy coastlines and rolling countryside dotted with charming villages. It’s sure to tick all the boxes for your idyllic escape or one you shouldn’t fail to include in your bucket list.

If you’d like to turn a truly South Devon holiday cottage into a tranquil green space, take these tricks to heart. You could transform one little cottage into a green oasis and make it a smart lure for prospective visitors.

Creating a Green Oasis

Choosing the Perfect Plants

You may need to choose plants that thrive in Devon’s weather, with its mild but sufficient rain and sun. It can provide great conditions for a variety of plants to flourish in your holiday cottage garden.

If you’re worried about finding the right plants for your green space, many online nurseries can send plants for any occasion, making it a simple trick to get local, healthy flora delivered. Also, almost all subscription services can help you make sure that your garden stays fresh regularly.

Devon’s local centers are quite helpful enough to readily advise you on what thrives in their soils. This convenience streamlines all your activities in greening your cottage, saving you effort and precious time.

Embrace Sustainable Gardening

If you want to keep your South Devon Holiday cottage green and eco-friendly, try effective, sustainable gardening practices that you can do yourself. Some composting can help you turn kitchen scraps into nutrient-rich soil to use on your beautiful flora and fauna or some fruits and veggies for your table.

It’s also best to have rainwater collectors from your rooftop and gutters so you’ll save on water for watering your plants and cleaning your house. Another eco-friendly trick is implementing ways to use natural pest controls, like having Citronella or Marigolds in and outside of the cottage to drive away bothersome insects naturally.

It’s not only turning your lovely cottage into a lively green space, but you’re also endorsing Devon’s drive to become net-zero carbon in the near future. Also, you’ll be a source of unique wisdom for your guests as you enthrall them by explaining the methods you use to maintain your cottage’s green space without harming Mother Nature.

Create Relaxing Outdoor Spaces

Make your holiday cottage stand out; create and design comfy seating areas or cozy nooks amidst the greenery where you or your guests can unwind and soak in the tranquility of nature. You might want to add hammocks, benches, or bistro sets for comfortable outdoor lounging or dining.

There are many outdoor activities guests can indulge in Devon so they may need the tranquility of your cottage after a very full day, which can help them be refreshed and prepared for the next day’s adventure.

Promote Wellness Benefits

Apart from making your guests feel at home and ensuring they’ll have quality rest and comfy and cozy moments in your cottage, you may also suggest the health benefits of spending time in green spaces. 

You might share with them a little info about the tranquil ambiance that was purposely made to reduce their stress levels, improve their mood, and increase their relaxation with nature. Also, encourage your guests to take strolls or practice yoga surrounded by lush greens for a fulfilling mindfulness experience.


As you embrace sustainable gardening ways, you can create a remarkable and tranquil green space at your South Devon holiday cottage. They not only enhance the beauty of your surroundings, but they also contribute to a healthier environment for you and your guests to enjoy. It’ll also become a go-to place when city life becomes unbearable.

So, take the leap into sustainable gardening and let nature thrive while providing you with a memorable and nature-rich experience every time.





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