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You are here: Home > Visit South Devon > Media Enquiries
Welcome to the Media Enquiries section for Visit South Devon, the official marketing organisation promoting Teignbridge, The South Hams, Mid Devon and East Devon.
To find copies of our latest press releases and news about the region please click here.
If you have a specific media enquiry we will be happy to supply further details and information, as well as providing additional images.
For media enquiries please contact:
Sydney Voisey;
Jo Butler;
We are looking for local people to be a part of our ‘Love like a Local Campaign’
If you are a local blogger, budding journalists, or someone who just loves to write and live in South Devon find our how to be part of our Love Like a Local blog series here.
The European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development: Europe investing in rural areas has supported Visit South Devon CIC to develop online destination marketing
© Visit South Devon Community Interest Company Ltd 2009 - 2025, Company Number 06891935